Thursday, August 24, 2006

Got My New Toy!

Well if any of you own a plane you probably have left the master on overnight only to realise the next time your out there that it wont start......I have personally done that at least a week........I know stupid mistake but now I am getting it.....dont you worry. You also know that if you are not in a heated hanger, the winter may cause your battery to die. Its a pain in the ass hauling that heavy mother out of the plane and putting it on a trickle charger overnight, so I decided I would purchase an ever usefull battery pack. A few things I requred for my A/C was a battery pack, and a compressor. I have on several occasions had to top off my tires and had to borrow a portable compressor from work. That is not the way to go as its a pain trying to get it some days. I bought a little compressor from Canadian Tire that I could plug into the cigarret lighter but this can be a real pain reaching the left main from the cockpit. I needed something cordless. I saw a few of the units I wanted at Canadian Tire that fit the bill, had the battery pack w/ compressor etc. but usually ran $100+. Since I am kind of cheap I decided to hold off on this investment....untill today! I saw this one at CT the other day and it was reduced from $99 to $49.99! I couldnt resist the bargin, especially since my girl friend works there........EXTRA 10% OFF!!!! BOO YAH! This one seems to be able to do the job, it has the booster pack, compressor, 12V plug, and a flouresent light. That would come in handy especially at the dusk till dawn drive-ins (Last time we were there the battery on the van died and we borrowed a pack like this without a light, we had to use our cell phones just to see). Since the battery is underneath the rear seat in UBC there is no worries of having anything outside when starting the engine or having to get out with the engine running! I also have a Tanis Engine Pre-Heater in my plane and requires an external 120V connection, a few of the other units at CT had this but were not $50! I will try connecting my inverter to it and see what happens come winter time, Ill keep you posted. Anyway, I think this bad boy will really come in handy, a great tool for anyone especially A/C owners. Till later, Niss

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