For those of you wondering why my most recent post isn't about flying, it is because I havent flown since the last post, we had a scheduling conflict so I am waiting to get up again. But that is not what this post is about....the post is about my totally awesome GPS system. The otherday I ordered a
Bluetooth GPS from this seller on ebay. It connects to my
Palm Zire 72 to make an extremely powerful GPS system. I recently aquired a copy of
TomTom navigator for the palm. Holy God is this an awesome piece of software!!! You can program Points of Interest, it has maps from allover Canada and can plot a rout for you, it gives you audio prompts, it can divert, it is amazing!!!!! I love it, and it will help me get up to Algonquin park on the weekend of the 8th so that rocks too! Another great thing is all the software available for Aviators with Palm based GPSs.
PalmFlying.Com is an awesome site devoted to many tools for the AV8R with a PDA. Click on navigation and Voila! a mountain of resources. Everyone must get a copy of
CoPilot and it's database. It is an extremely versatile flight planning tool that will do weight and balance, make a flight plan you can print out, everything. It also interfaces with the Aviation GPS program I am planning on getting called
FlightMaster. Flight Master is great because it interfaces with the database in CoPilot and it uses the flight plan you made aswell. So it carries it over and lays it on the moving map. It also has a HSI (Horizontal Situation Indicator) that is great for providing alot of information in one simple screen. I also am planning on getting
Fugawi Mapping software so I can load my VNC and have a more visual flight.

These toys.....er tools are extrememly handy to anyone who flys and drives. This palm can really clean up a cockpit, and make everything much more organized. Before your trip you can enter information from your CFS so its at the tip of your fingers enrout, you can get a program to make it a fully functional E6B so there is no spinning the WizWheel midflight, it can (almost) replace your maps, and it can replace your logbook with many of the Transport Canada recognized logbook programs. I reccomend anyone who owns, rents, flys a plane go out and get one right now....you wont be sorry!!!
Up Up And Away!!!!!