Today I wrote the PSTAR and I passed.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with what a PSTAR is it is the permit required by Transport Canada in order for a student to solo. It is comprised of 50 multiple choice questions taken out of a possible 200 from the study guide. All the questions are exactly as written in the study guide so it isnt too difficult to study for. A 90% is required (45/50) in order to get it. I got a 94% today which actually pissed me off! The reason for that is that I got 3 wrong. Unfortunatly on the light gun signals (which I actually feel is a strength of mine) threw me off. One question asked what the
STEADY Green light meant, and the other what the
STEADY red light meant. Unfortunatly I read; what does the
FLASHING Green and Red lights mean. Boo Urns...oh well its no biggie because I do know them and I was able to demonstrate to my instructor that I knew it and it was just a %$#@ up in my reading of the question. Another one was "In a controlled zone what is the minimum clearance from a cloud required?"(Paraphrasing) and the answer 500' Below and 1 mile horizontal. For what ever reason I wrote 1000' Below and 1 mile horizontal. Again I was able to demonstrate to my instructor afterward that I did indeed know my stuff, but I have just incorrectly placed the X. My knowledge was 100%, but I need to remember to slow down for my next test and take it easy.
Click on the picture to see what the PSTAR test looks like (All Names and Signatures have been blacked out to protect the innocent), bear in mind that the questions are in a differant book.
Soon I will take to the skies all by my lonsome.....C-FUBC with only one soul aboard.....mine...
I deleted the post because it was spam....grrrrr....spam....
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