A student, a Plane, and one day a flight jacket! Follow along as I document things in my life, mainly my progression as a pilot, and my outdoors life, etc.
Lycoming O-320-E2A S/N :-15941-27A is going "ON CONDITION" as of this annual. -Compression test needs to be done every 25 hrs. -Run engine to see if it pulls full rpm, every 25 hrs. -Oil and filter needs to be changed every 50 hrs. -Pilots need to notify mechanics on oil consumption.
So you can see that the mechanic is reccomending increased inspections to ensure proper care of the engine and that way if anything starts to go we can catch it before it becomes a catastrophic failure. I allready do regular oil changes every 25 hours, but during that I do not change the filter. The reason being is that it isn't like a regular car filter cartridge. On this particular engine it is a filter screen in the oil sump area. You have to be a licensed mechanic to pull this. So I plan on doing my oil change every 25hrs and every 50hrs have the mechanic pull the screen while I have it drained.
On the annual they also go through Airworthiness Directives (ADs) that get issued by the manufacturer. Basically these are reocurring potential problems that are checked at each Annual (or 100hr) inspection to make sure that it isn't just waiting to fail.
From my inspection report
-AD 69-22-02 Failure of control wheel - C/W using AD. No defects found. Next inspection due April 08 or at 5824.2.
-AD 70-16-05 Cracks in muffler -C/W using AD. No defects found. Next inspection due April 08 or at 5824.2
-AD 95-26-13R1A Oil cooler hose ruptures - C/W using AD. No defects found. Next inspection due April 08 or at 5824.2.
-AD CF90-03R2 Exhaust type cabin heater - C/W using AD. No defects found. Next inspection due April 08 or at 5824.2.
The last one and the second is an important point. Many GA cabin heaters are a heat exchanger shroudes that go around the muffler. When the cabin heat vent is opened, air goes through the heat exchanger shroud heating up the air with the heat from the muffler and going into the cabain. Quite an effective and efficient way of heating the cabin. Unfortunately these systems are known to crack and introduce CO (Carbon Monoxide) into the cockpit. CO being a colourless, odourless, poisonus gas is quite dangerous and is created by incomplete combustion. This gas will cause drowsiness, eratic behaviour, eventually loss of conciousness, and eventually death. Many a pilot has succomed to CO and fallen asleep with the a/c making its way to Terra Firma. This is exactly why we have littl CO detectors in the aircraft. These CO detectors are to be replaced every 18 months, but I think I will do it every annual, just to be sure.
Well that ends this entry. I apologise for the length but I thought if anyone actually cares they might find this interesting.
Untill next time, keep on rocking in the free world.