Generally speaking an annual inspection isn't described in hours or work done, it's described in money. For instance. My last annual didnt take 50 man hours to complete, it took $1300 to complete. Annuals are a scary time for owners as they bring about the unknown.
$1300 is good as that coveres the labour and some material (gasket & seat rail, fluids, etc.), so UBC is basically a healthy little airplane. However the reason the annual inspection is so nerve wrecking for most owners is because this brings out the unknown issues, along with their unknown costs. Planes arent like cars, they cant usually be safely operated with an "Ill get to it later attitude", sometimes things need your attention and your wallet right away.
The Annual Inspection is carried out in accordance with CARS 625 and takes (if all goes well) about a week and around $1000 - $1500. Fortunately I have a partnership, so my partner and I bear the costs equally.
This season we are putting new tires on it as they are getting quite worn, and have a few cracks. I would rather spend the $300 - $500 on replacing the tires, then replacing what ever needs to be replaced because they blew on landing.
Ill keep you posted on how the annual goes, and hopefully tomorrow I will take some more pictures of the naked interior.
Oh, and it should be worth noting that this isnt a cost that I choose to do, this isnt an upgrade or anything, this is a simple cost of operation, the annual must be done, whether the aircraft flew or not.
Niss "I cant scratch anymore" Feiner